We’ve just added quite a collection of new works. There is a series of portraits, a series of birds that have died flying into the glass windows or that were brought home by one of his cats (Requiem), and a series of organic leftovers from François’ kitchen (Rubbish). Some examples below. Click on the link in the caption below the image to see the whole series.
Author: admin
Friday ‘Vernissage’ in Burgundy
This Friday March 13, Galerie Nakai in Tournus (Burgundy) is opening the spring exhibition. Among which this lovely collection of engravings by François Dupuis. The official opening is at 5 pm. François himself will probably arrive around 6.30 pm.
Coming soon: Requiem VII
François just finished this seventh print in his ‘Requiem’ series.
The prints are drying now, but this engraving will soon be added to the shop in the REQUIEM category.
Slide show with the latest work
For your entertainment, we’ve made a little slide show with the most recent work of François Dupuis, added to the catalogue in February 2020. Enjoy!
New series – Requiem
Spring is here, and François Dupuis is feeling a surge of creativity. Of course he is still continuing his daily moleskine drawing, but he has also made a series of engravings of dead birds, called ‘REQUIEM’, after the lamenting song or text expressing sorrow for a death.
These are all little birds that have fallen prey to the local cats, traffic accidents, an overdose of pesticides (we are in grape country here) or a collision with a window in the Beaujolais area surrounding François’ home.
We’ve created a special category in the shop for these poor little birds. Their death has not been in vain, because now they are part of the expanding art portfolio of François Dupuis. You’ll find then under REQUIEM.
Little mess
This very interesting series of eleven engravings is called ‘Little Mess’.
The images are a realistic rendering of the chaotic reality of the compost bin in François Dupuis’ kitchen. The engravings can be bought separately, but also as a set of eleven signed and numbered engravings in a hand made box. Continue reading “Little mess”